If you're like me, your food universe is probably around 5-15 restaurants that you find yourself frequenting. Every so often, when the urge strikes to try something new, you'll go digging through blogs, Facebook posts, etc to find a place to try that will be worth departing from your stand-bys.
This month I encourage you to be a food tourist. You can go international by picking a cuisine, say Malaysian or Thai or Russian, and then checking out some of the top places in the City for that cuisine. Subway fare is much cheaper than an international flight, and you won't have to change currencies. Last month was Korean month for me -- I tried several barbecue and chicken places around K-Town (Kang Ho Dong Baekjeong was fantastic and well worth the wait), paid a visit to Momofuku Ssam Bar (must get the rice cake dish there), and had some not-so-authentic but tasty bulgogi tacos and other fusion dishes at Smorgasburg.
You can also be a domestic tourist... Rather than focus on a different country or region and seek out the food, you can explore the culinary scene of an NYC neighborhood that is outside your work/home circles. For example, I hear about amazing places in Red Hook or Bed Stuy or Harlem, but rarely eat out in these areas, but I intend to change that this summer.
Whether you decide go international or domestic, get out of your comfort zone and try something new!